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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  December 17, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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weiss. >> the fog is holding tough. what you may need to know before you turn off the lights after the tragedy, many schools many the baltimore area looking at their security plans and this shooting is hitting home for steven bar ton who was shot many a movie theater. >> right now we want to look right outside your window. dense fog is holding on if it sticks around it could make for a rough commute. let'scheck in with wait wait. >> i think by 9:00, 10:00 in the morning we will see improvement. dense fog all a-across central maryland. we're at just one mile at baltimore, two and a half in washington. so the fog gets more dense as
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you two up into the chesapeake. tough to see also because we have rain showers so fog plus rain, wet roads, the epd is in sight towards west virginia but it's going to take hours to get in here. in the meantime, fog and rain persisting into the morning commute. we'll talk about the swing in temperatures straight ahead thanks wyatt. . >> skies had a tough night for travel. southwest diverted 14 planes headed to baltimore to nor folk virginia. the airlinemade arrangements to bus the passengers to baltimore. >> on a day when parents are nervous about sendsing a-their kids off, someone had the nerve to walk into a city school with a knife. cheryl starts our coverage with that story. >> that school visitor is now
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in jail. parents at the national academy foundation shuttered at seeing news crews. they are talking and so is the police chief about preventing another shooting. iqúan incidentinside a city school. this timeinvolving a knife. >> i'm speechless right now. >> it seemed to start off friendly. a visitor brought a birthday cake and balloons the a relative but skirted past the front office. then a fight broke autowith an officer worker and the visitor showed a knife. tracey mcdaniel learned about the fight at the end of the day on a day when parents are on edge. in surrounding counties, police officers stood at schoolings. it's just one step following a
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shooting at sandy hook elementary where 20 students and 6 adults were shot and killed. >> children already asked this morning where why there was a police officer and i said they're just out here to say hi to everybody. >> the police chief is also the chairman of the national law enforcement partnership to prevent gun violence. he saysright now, federal law only requires a background check if you buy a gun from a licensed dealer almost had 40% of guns are not sold through dealers. they'reprivate trans axes sold at gun shows and internet sales. >> police say the shooter at sandy hook used his mom's firearms which were brought legally. >> back at school, the conversations are swirling as parents push to prevent school
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violence we talked about this all day at work, gun safety, mental health, being proactive. >> and another example, chief johnson says the shooter who killed three people at a salon in wisconsin would not have been able to buy a gun if the national law was in place. hebrought it on line to avoid a background check. chief johnsonsays there should also be a limit on high power magazines to no more than ten rounds sadly there was a shooting inside perry hall high school l and another at a middle school. the superintendent says that prompted the district to take action. tonight there was a strong police presence at many schools in the area. theshooting has many districts on high alert. in baltimore county, the
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superintendent says there are crisis plans in place. >> this is something we take serious any way. safety is the utmost importance to us. >> dr. dan says they are considering enhanced security options like maybe badges for the staff and students as well as cameras and a buzz in policy at all l doors within the district. >> saying good-bye to lives taken young is a senseless crime. there are no words r to explain the pain these families are feel sglg today the first funerals were held. two sixyear old boys were laid to rest. > . >> this is the living memorial in downtown sandy hook where a constant stream of locals and visitors come to remember those lost. today in newtown, a funeral for six year old know awa pozner.
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he was a boy who liked animals, video games and mexican food. an onlookerclachs collapsed -- collapsed. >> i told him i love you and he said not as much as i love you. . >> a few miles away, jack pinto, also six, who's favorite new york giants player wore his name on his cleats during sunday's game. >> i was honored. . >> jack's friends from the wrestle l ling team showed up today in their uniforms. at anews conference, the usually stoic state trooper choked up when asking for privacy for the families. >> this time i can take a couple of questions. >> he also revealed there were two adult survivors of the smooting -- shooting.
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>> certainly, they will shed a great deal of light on the circumstances of this tragic investigation. >> with the school remaining a crime scene, sandy hook students will be attending an unused middle school in a neighboring town. . >> so, how do you get a break from the heart break? you take your kids to the mall just like when you were young. >> tonight, let them be kids, let them sit on santa's lap. let them watch the trains and make a wish list. >> i think i want a gum ball machine. >> a race car. >> a doll. >> let butterflies float in their stomach as excitement builds over the next eight days for the last four have been very tough. kids can read you like a page from good knight moon. letthem think they live in a
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perfecting world. >> i want a chair that's purple and that says connor. >> a toy helicopter. >> let them turn away from what's been on tv for it's hard enough for adults to understand. >> i'm a grandparent so i haven't really brought it up with my graund daughter. >> he knows what happened in a place that is far away to these little ones. >> i certainly don't want to be the first one who brings it up. >> tonight, let them be kids. >> you want a garbage truck? tell him. >> i want a garbage truck. >> tonight, let them be kids. with a bedtime story that will sound like had. >> sometimes people do things we don't understand but almost everybody is good. >> tonight, kiss your kids. >> at your home you may have
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tossed around the idea of how to talk to your kids about what happened. >> and depending on the age whether you should bring it up at all. . >> to the parent -- as a pasht we have to decide do we want to share the information and start the conversation. if we know they've had exposure, you want to start the conversation and then convey a sense of safety. >> dr. steven says if your child is stool age, you run the risk of them cornerback school -- school age, you return run the risk of them hearing it at school. >> the tragedy has a personal impact for william lori. he wasat the st. joseph center to talk about healing. he actually came from southwestern connecticut where he spent 11 years.
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>> it's a community that i know well. it's a parish that i visited many times and i know many people there. i'm veryfond of the community so the news struck home very personally to me. these are people whom i know and whom i served for many years. >> the arch bishop says he knew six of the children personally and is praying for all of the families we have a section on our website dedicated to the shooting in newtown. . >> in other news tonight, two children were able to escape from their burning home. thefire was in the 200-block of ash wood road not far from north point roads. the children ran to a neighbor and called -- calleded 911. >> all right the election's
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over but it didn't actually become official until today. >> tonight we have the breakdown. coming up, which precincts went for mitt romney. >> showers continue to come in tonight. it's not just the fog, the rain is also making visibility hard. >> plus those last minute deals may sound great but do you really know what you're getting? those stories and more in just 60 seconds. oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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. >> new tobt, senator daniel inaway was third in line in the presidential success session. he died of respiratory complications. . >> voters re-elected president
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obama on election day but today was the day the electoral colleges made it official. oursmed at the state house and they officially cast 332 votes. mittromney got 207 electoral votes and now we can take a closer look inside the numbers and. . >> there's a lot of stuch in there and tonight we can confirm that in one precinct barack obama got 100% of the votes cast. after the election, you remember reports of that happening in some counties in pennsylvania. our reports show it happened here as well. . >> how do you get to 87% by winning massive majorities in neighborhoods all over baltimore. the official results show 17
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city presipths where mitt romney got just one vote and check out this one, voter. >> on the i can't brown was here. >> everybody i talked to voted for obama. >> and when she says everybody, she means everybody. >> 207 people voted and barack obama got 207 votes, 100%. >> first and foremost, it's a black community and people voted for obama the last time. >> mitt romney was completely shut out at another precinct. no votes for him but third party votes kept barack obama from having one hundred % of those votes.
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>> it's just based upon the neighborhood and the make up of the neighborhood. >> and he says if mitt romney was interested in winning city votes, he could have paid them a visit. >> i think when campaigns don't show a lot of campaigning here that shows up. >> rom romney did -- romney did come out on top in some of the precincts. four presipths out of 294 in the city wept to mitt romney. african american voters tend at the vote democratic even more so with an african american president that is korlth to an expert. one problem is that having nondiverse neighborhoods end up with these turn outs.
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>> politically like minded people tend to be clustering together in counties. this justshows that dom cats and republicans don't want to talk to one another. >> he just needed a little bit more time to do what he was trying to do. he was getting there but he needed four more years to finish out his plan. >> the official results show the president also won baltimore county and in one county precinct, obama got 833 out of 854 votes. we'll show you that on our website there's also a lot of information on there tonight on how each counties voted on the ballot questions. somesurprises in those numbers as well. christian schaefer, abc2news.
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>> all right christian. let'slook at consumer alert now. would you consider dropping 48 $48,000 on an online purchase? that was the most expensive purchase processed by papal this year, it was a bulldozer. thesecond most ex-pensionive was 26 $26,000. both of those were made off of mobile phones. >> mobile phones. >> mobile phones. >> as we get down to the wire on our holiday shopping, the easiest way is to stop by those cute specialty shops. >> but every year, many shoppers get burned when they have problems with that giflt. gift if you've been to any mall, lately you may have noticed all of the new key i
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don't say ks -- a caution before you buy from any of them. >> walk through any mall in december and you'll find all sort offense holiday shops but buyer beware, if that toy breaks, good luck. >> two years ago, this woman tried to return a remote control helicopter. >> they were gone. >> now, the temporary stores are back. >> ms. williams just brought remote control chopper as a gift but as soon as she got home, she realized it had been open, used and broken. >> the good news, the store was still there, the bad news, no cash refunds. >> they sold me a broken toy. i would have preferred by cash back and exchange was the only
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option they gave me. >> indeed in the fine print, the receipt said no refunds. soat any holiday store, ask about the return policy, ask if you can get a refund and find out if it will still be there after christmas. >> there's nothing wrong with buying from item prayer store. but many of these holiday stores are run by out of town companies that close up shop on christmas eve never to be heard from again so be careful when you buy. . >> and now, maryland's most accurate forecast. >> those little helicopters seem like they would be fun. foggy night out there. tough tosee in parts of the area, no question. most of the state has been tough to see. we're stillat 100% humidity
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with almost no wind and now we have the rain coming down as well. it wastough to make out the city today at all. and look at the rain at the maryland science center. tough to see on the east side that's for sure. at the naval academy today, you talk about a tough day to get on the river, this is one ugly night. i want to show you the three d view of this bound dri that is still -- boundary that is still stalled out. it should clear out as we go to mid-morning tomorrow. we still have rain and fog and mist. we have five sweeps scanning and skies and finding rain. let's put the radar into motion and we can see where the rain is now. it'sprimarily in the central part of the state.
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so there is wet weather to deal with, still fog to deal with. we've got less than one-half a mile of visibility in easton. so on a normal clear night, ten miles to the visibility so you have to drive with extreme caution tonight. there's no wind to help stir this up so i think until mid- morning tomorrow, it could be tough to see across much of the state. >> temperature wise, right around 50 degrees. i thinkwe're looking at numbers in the upper 50s tomorrow. once webreak the early fog and rain that is. a little further north and east, expecting temperatures in maybe the mid-50s. slowclearing after that early morning fog and precipitation.
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some showers west, you see them coming in. also more rain offshore. the trend shows a few more showers through early tomorrow morning and then maybe a stray shower twarld l midday. we'll l clear the skies toward mid afternoon. temperaturewise, not going to see much change here. temperatures will-- are going to lovers in -- hover in the 50s. that will be the story through thursday. tomorrow, 57, believe it or not, early fog then clearing. bytomorrow night, chilly and windy. 50s for the next few days, then check it out. afterthe rain maker thursday, temperatures drop. we could see a brief wintery mix early friday morning and then temperatures are going to struggle to get out of the 40s. we have a drew tuesday
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afternoon into wednesday at least and then it goes downhill again. >> here we go again. >> yeah. >> hey time for you to help make christmas brighter. there's only two days left to donate to the toy drive. justbring new, unwrapped toys to our station and again for a full list of all the drop off locations log on to drive. >> abc2 news at 11:00, continues right after the break but first here's sinths i can't. >> kelly and jamie coming up on night line, we'll continue coverage of the shooting as the first of f the victims are laid to rest. we'll bring you new details about the gunman, his mother
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and the weapons. that'stonight on night line. how do you always have my favorite coffee? girl: well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase, and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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the victims are laid to rest. we'll bring you newdetails about the gunman, his mother and the weapons. that'stonight on night line. . >> you might have missed this yesterday. right after catching a td pass, he spiked the ball and it came up and struck the official in the face. watchdanny get up and spike the ball and watch that, bam, right in there. >> that's not good. >> right in the face. . >> e's he's all right. >> i wonder if he gets to keep the the ball. foggy night,rainy night, tough commute in the morning, give yourself time.
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there's rain coming in already and you see the fog and drizzle will be hanging around right through the morning commute. [ female announcer ] here's to a whole world of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone round. a smoked, shank half ham
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is only 99 cents a pound. get breyer's ice cream for $2.48 and dessert will surely shine. make it a grand finale with starbucks just $6.99. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life.
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we'll see you tomorrow. >> right and the fog. >> drive careful out there. ñ?
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